Discover Your Metabolic Blueprint

Unlock insights into your metabolism with PNOE.

PNOE Metabolic Testing provides a comprehensive look into how your body utilizes oxygen during rest and exercise. By understanding your unique metabolic profile, you can tailor fitness and nutrition plans to suit your body's specific needs. This testing helps optimize weight management, improve athletic performance, and enhance overall well-being by ensuring you're on the right path to achieving your health goals. Embrace a personalized approach to your wellness journey with insights from PNOE.

PNOE Metabolic Testing

The PNOĒ test provides the most holistic view of your body. By analyzing 23 biomarkers in your breath it measures your heart, lung, and cellular fitness, how "fast" your metabolism is, your fat-burning efficiency, vO2 Max, biological age, and how your breath affects your posture and brain—all with clinical-grade accuracy. The two main types of PNOE metabolic testing include the resting metabolic rate (RMR) test and the active metabolic rate (AMR) test.

The RMR test is an 8–10-minute assessment where the subject lays in a supine/seated position as motionless as possible and breathes normally.

The AMR test is a 9–15-minute assessment comprising a 3-minute warm up, a 4–10-minute exercise phase where intensity is progressively increased, and a 2-minute active recovery.

Higher Octave

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Luke Cobb

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Higher Octave

702 Chambers Ave , Unit 1A
Eagle , CO


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Schedule your personalized PNOE Metabolic Testing appointment and start your health journey